We along with the BMOH, Dhupguri we conducted a vaccination camp for prevention of Japanese Encephalitis on 3rd and 4th December 2018. Almost 250 people were benefitted from this effort and we believe this shall be a long term benefit for the villagers of Rangati Busty.
The poor people were very happy to receive the vaccines when in need and blessed us wholeheartedly.
In association with Lions Club of Banarhat we conducted a free eye check up camp in various tea gardens on Banarhat area. All workers of the garden participated with great enthusiasm. It was very important as in the remote areas there is no periodic screening of the eyes of workers and in the even of untimely check, sever damages occur even without any treatment or case. Up on screening 13 cases were identified for cataract operation and subsequently they were sent to Lion Club Siliguri for necessary operations.
The tribals and Adivasi people celebrate Karam Puja every year and this year we joined their celebration in the Rangati Village were lot of Adivasi people reside. We helped them with celebrating their function in a proper manner with lot of happiness and pride. The locals really appreciated our efforts to support their cause and also the way our volunteers mingled with them and also interacted with the children and encouraged them to come forward and preserve their culture so that these age old practices are continued and celebrated well.