a) To awaken a new consciousness which will foster people’s participation and Co-operate responsibility within the structures of Society.
b) To identify the weaker section of society and serve them by participation in their struggle for development.
c) To provide direct services, which will enable people to live a full and dignified life.
d) To prepare programs and schemes for the comprehensive and integrated improvement of the economic, social and living conditions of the people and in pursuance of the above aims and objects the work of the Society may cover the following fields and activity:
i) To look after the interests of the aged and elderly, the differently abled in all possible manner
ii) To constantly develop the agricultural needs of the people, by bringing more areas under agriculture, plantation, seedling and other related activities.
iii) To work towards establishing and promoting advances irrigation techniques using latest technologies and systems. To work towards save water To work for nutrients based fertilizers to save on cost and improve productivity.
iv) To improve the socio economic status of the people by enhancing the agricultural opportunities.
v) To develop and enhance activities related to animal husbandry for the betterment of people. To promote dairying, piggery and fisheries for increased income and development of the poor. To develop bird rearing and facilities for development of the poor.
vi) To encourage other allied livelihood programs like honey collection, bee keeping, etc
vii) To ensure a sustainable livelihood program for the people affected by poverty, including integrated rural development
viii) To promote art & culture
ix) To bring in newer technologies related to bio technology and other improved methodology for the betterment of agricultural produce and related applications.
x) To promote child development and care. To educate people about gender equality and protection of the female child. To also work in areas of population control.
xi)To make people aware about the civic issues and stand by them to ensure their rights. To help people and make them aware for human rights, including legal awareness and aid.
xii) To work in areas of disaster management and rescue operations.
xiii) To establish and ensure clean, arsenic free drinking water to all the people. This will include water resources management & conservation.
xiv) To work in areas of economic development of the poor people. To ensure poverty alleviation and development of the lower strata of the society.
xv) To promote education and literacy amongst all. To establish vocational training centers and support all such initiatives
xvi) To work towards green initiatives in areas of renewal energy (solar, wind), bio initiatives and all other related activities.
xvii) To work towards women welfare & development, health and family planning, women empowerment.
xviii) To develop better housing facilities for the poor and ensure better living conditions and sanitation. To engage in model villages, town planning
xix) To develop, establish, promote information and communication systems and other science & technology related works.
xx) To mobiles land resources and help people in relates affairs.
xxi) To establish and develop micro finance institutions and help the needy with monetary resources.
xxii) To engage in scientific, industrial, social and other forms of research, data collection and preliminary studies to gather information for subsequent use, decision making and opinion formation.
xxiii) To work for medical, health care, risky diseases, AIDS awareness, cancer treatment, regular health check-ups, dental camps, awareness campaign, fight against chewing and consumption tobacco
xxiv) To encourage and promote sports activities amongst all.
xxv)To work in areas of youth affairs.
Some of the other activities are listed below :-
xxvi) To encourage in the organization and development of small scale industries.
xxvii) To collect, collate and disseminate information of the scientific and technical process and devices appropriate to the needs of our national economy.
xxviii) Facilities for primary and technical education, adult literacy and non-formal education without any profit making motive.
xxix) Facilities for public health and hospital care, family planning, maternity and child welfare nutrition, preventive and curative measures for endemic and epidemic diseases, health and family welfare education with the help of qualified personnel and without any profit making motive.
xxx) Scheme for improvement of water supply, drainage, sanitation, pathways, street lighting and other measures to improve the physical environment without any profit making motive.
xxxi) Scheme for clearance of rural, self-help, housing etc. Provided any Govt. Empowered will empower the Society to undertake such activities.
Schemes for parks, playgrounds and other recreational facilities for the people.
xxxii) Schemes for providing opportunities for community participation, leadership and development of human resources amongst the people.
xxxiii) To arrange educational programs to make the people critically conscious of their surroundings and to help them overcome the limitations and constraints under which they live.
xxxiv) To arrange surveys and studies and other investigations directly or through competent agencies in the field.
xxxv) To raise resource and receive funds from any source as consistent with the principles and objectives of the Society and in conformity with the national interest in preparing and implementing the Society’s schemes and programmes.
xxxvi) To organize training course either in collaboration with competent agencies directly and provide such training facilities as are necessary for the staff members, participants or other concerned with work of the Society or any organization concerned or connected with the programmes.
xxxvii) To promote or assist the establishment or formation of similar associations elsewhere in the State of West Bengal or elsewhere
xxxviii) To co-operate with other agencies both Governmental and Non-Governmental in preparation, Organization and administration of schemes and programmes for the benefit of the people.
xxxix) To co-operate with national and international organizations having similar objectives and depute or receive representatives to and from such organization.
xxxx) To purchase, take on loans or in exchange, hire or otherwise, acquire property, movable and any rights or privileges which may be deemed necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Society and to improve, develop, manage, self-lease, mortgage, dispose of or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property of the Society.
xxxxi) To accept any gift or legacy in favour of the Society, whether subject or not to any special trusts or conditions for the furtherance or any of the objects of the Society.
xxxxii) To borrow or raise money for the purpose of the Society in such manner as may from time to time be decided by the Society.
xxxxiii) To be affiliated to or amalgamated or incorporated with any other institutions, societies or associations having objects similar to any of those of the society and to co-operate with any person or persons in pursuance of such objects.
xxxxiv) To publish or cause to be published useful Literatures, Papers, Magazines, Books, and Periodicals etc.
xxxxv) To arrange and organize Small Savings Activities.
xxxxvi) To open charitable dispensaries, maternity home, children’s clinics, orphanage and family planning centre, old aged home etc. with the help of qualified personnel, and without any profit making motive.
xxxxv) To acquire, establish, start, aid, run, maintain or manage educational institutes, libraries for the benefit of the public.
xxxxvii) To arrange and organize lectures, debates, discussions, seminars & excursions for the discussions of knowledge.
xxxxviii) To publish or cause to be published useful literatures, magazines, etc. without profit motive.
xxxxix) To study, cultivate and demonstrate the art of music and dancing.
xxxxxi) To help the aged, sick, helpless and indigent persons.
xxxxxii) To work for the happiness of the down trodden needy people for the primary needs such as food, education and shelter etc.
xxxxxiii) To organize an ambulance for free rendering service to the needy patients.
xxxxxiv) To open charitable dispensaries, first aid centre, and blood donation camp from time to time and to generate awareness amongst people suffering from thalasimia, cancer and HIV aids disease etc.
xxxxxv) To help to organize self-help group based programme for augmentation of the livelihood opportunities of the people at the grass root level as being beneficial to th public or to a section of public.
xxxxxvi) To arrange for medical treatment to the deaf & dumb and handicapped persons by rendering qualified doctors, medicines and other articles free of cost.